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These features (aggression factors) of Brucella determine the course of the disease and the mechanism of its development (pathogenesis).

The next stage of Bystolic pills of the infection is associated with its entry into the bloodstream, which contributes to further progress throughout the body. There are practically no organs and systems where brucella would not visit. The incubation period for brucellosis in humans is 1-2 weeks. The disease develops, as a rule, gradually and has no specific symptoms. But patients usually present four main complaints.


Treatment of brucellosis in humans. In humans, the treatment of acute and chronic forms of brucellosis is different. In the acute form, the use of antibiotics comes first, in the chronic form - vaccines and antiallergic drugs.

bystolic drug names are for informational purposes only. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can lead to negative consequences. This information is not a recommendation, the patient himself is responsible for the consequences of using nebivolol drugs without a doctor's prescription.